ClanRing Xtended Mod

Welcome to the home of CRx!
Quake was released by id software in 1996. CRx can be considered an extended version of CRMod, which is a well-known multiplayer modification for Quake. The mod is currently in beta and actively being developed. Aside from built-in features for various servers and clients, CRx also combines over 20 game modes and dozens of configurable settings, allowing the players to customize the game.
Hybrid Mode means the servers are compatible with Net Quake and QuakeWorld clients, which includes the Quake Remastered client, and certain features of the game will be adjusted accordingly. In addition to running on either type of server, there are different physics modes for better client compatibility that can be set to match the expected audience on the server. However, since each of those clients work a little differently, some may be almost unplayable in certain modes. Therefore, servers in hybrid mode are usually set to 'NQW' physics, which allows the best compatibility for all clients that connect (ex: bunny hopping is nerfed compared to some QW servers).

What you need for CRx:

Use the quake remaster client from steam or go to the clients page, download one of the community maintained clients and add your registered Quake 1 pak0.pak and/or pak1.pak files to the id1 folder.
Bring down the console and connect. example: connect

What you need for Bloodrailz:

Go to the bloodrails page to download the bloodrails client, add your registered Quake 1 pak0.pak and/or pak1.pak files to the id1 folder.
Use the game menu to connect

FYI: when you buy Quake 1 off steam, you can get the pak files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\id1


Join the Quake Remastered Discord to organize games and learn about events and updates for Hybrid games

Join the Flux Dojo Discord to organize games and learn about events and updates on Bloodrails

Note: You do NOT need to join discord to play in the games.

Official Servers to play CRx at:
Quake Remastered Match Browser (PC and Consoles)
  • John Mfn Carmack! server hosted by DanTheMan (Web Browser or NQ Client)
  • 26000: CRx (Hybrid Mode)
  • 26001: Bloodrails CRx
  • 26002: CRx (Net Quake Mode) /
  • 26000: CRx (Hybrid Mode)
  • 26001: Bloodrails CRx
  • 26002: CRx (Net Quake Mode)
  • 26000: CRx (Hybrid Mode)
  • 26001: Bloodrails CRx

Thank you for your support!

*Buy Quake on Steam

Visit the Quake Remastered Community Website

CRxQuake Server Rules Disclaimer:

Everyone is welcome to play, but don't be a jerk. Please don't harass other players or disrupt games. Bot accusasions are not going to be taken seriously without any proof.
If anyone causes issues, intentional or not, an admin will ask them to stop. If issues continue, they can be forced to spectate, kicked from the server or temporarily muted or banned.
We hope you enjoy the games and if you have any issues or questions, please contact an administrator, preferably on discord or email

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