What you need for CRx:
Use the quake remaster client from steam or go to the clients page, download one of the community maintained clients and add your registered Quake 1 pak0.pak and/or pak1.pak files to the id1 folder.
Bring down the console and connect. example: connect denver.crxquake.com:26000
What you need for Bloodrailz:
Go to the bloodrails page to download the bloodrails client, add your registered Quake 1 pak0.pak and/or pak1.pak files to the id1 folder.
Use the game menu to connect
FYI: when you buy Quake 1 off steam, you can get the pak files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Quake\id1
Join the Quake Remastered Discord to organize games and learn about events and updates for Hybrid games
Join the Flux Dojo Discord to organize games and learn about events and updates on Bloodrails
Note: you do NOT need to join discord to play in the games like on those lame quake live servers
Play CRx at:
Quake Remastered Match Browser- John Mfn Carmack! server hosted by DanTheMan
- 26000: CRx Net Quake on NetQuake.io by ef3ss
- 26000: CRx Hybrid
- 26001: Bloodrails CRx
- 26002: CRx Net Quake
- 26000: CRx Hybrid
- 26002: CRx Net Quake
- 26000: CRx Hybrid
- 26001: Bloodrails CRx
- 26002: CRx Net Quake
- 26000: CRx Hybrid
- 26001: Bloodrails CRx
- 26003: CRx Net Quake
*Buy Quake on Steam
Visit the Quake Remastered Community Website