Quake Clients and Servers
Popular Multiplayer Clients
These clients can be used on the hybrid servers
FTE - versatile Quake / Quakeworld engine FTE / FTEQWQSS-M - QSS fork by woods QSS-M website
QRack - JoeQuake fork by r00k build 6610 / latest build
nQuake - installer for ezQuake nQuake website
DarkPlaces - OpenGL engine by LadyHavoc DarkPlaces website
Quake Remastered - 2021 updated engine for consoles and PC's Steam page
Legacy Clients
ProQuake site / sourceManQuake source
Other Links
TastySpleen - Q2 community websiteSlipgate Sightseer - community hub for Quake modding and mapping website
RuneQuake - Slot Zero's site for his popular Quake mod website
QuakeWorld.nu - popular site for QuakeWorld website badplace.eu - QuakeWorld server browser website