ClanRing Xtended Mod

CRx : Help
Player Help  |  CRx Commands

Most of commands have impulse numbers you can use in case your binds aren't working


These commands affect your player only

alias imp description
<none> 22 Select grappling hook
<none> 24 Use item
<none> 40 Drop a rune
afk 57 Toggle afk status
afkon Turn on afk status
afkoff Turn off afk status
sethud 70* Sets user's hud timer position
autoid 79 Toggle autoid / shownick
motd 109 Show the message of the day
cmd w_switch Set highest weapon that will auto switch on pickup
autoweapon 114 Toggle smart autoweapon switching
aw 114 Toggle smart autoweapon switching
yes 115 Used to vote yes
no 116 Used to vote no
red 101 Join the the red team
blue 102 Join the the blue team
yellow 105 Join the the yellow team
green 106 Join the the green team
ready 120 Leave observer mode / commit to a team in match mode
notready 121 Used to uncommit in match mode
ghostcode 126 Display your ghost code
ghost 127 Restore yourself from a ghost
noantilag Turn off all antilag weapons
yesantilag Turn on all antilag weapons
cl_pjoff Turn off projectile antilag weapons
cl_pjon Turn on projectile antilag weapons
cl_hsoff Turn off hit scan antilag weapons
cl_hson Turn on hit scan antilag weapons
musicon Turn on intermission music
musicoff Turn off intermission music


alias imp description
observer 140 Enter observer mode
walk 141 Enter walk mode
flyme 142 Enter fly mode
chase 143 Enter chasecam mode
chasecam 143 Enter chasecam mode
eyecam 149 Enter eyecam mode


alias imp description
commands 107 List all commands
help-server 100 Show main help commands
help-match 129 Match mode help
help-wipeout 138 Wipeout mode help
help-mode 139 Mode changing help
help-ctf 102 CTF mode help
help-misc 105 Misc commands
help-observer 101 Show observer commands
help-info 117 Show server version info


alias imp description
unlock 122 Request to unlock match(allows new players to join)
lock 130 Request to cap the team sizes
ready? 123 List the players that are not ready
timerstop 124 Request to pause a match
pausematch 124 Request to pause a match
timerstart 125 Request to start / restart the timer
force 125 Request to start match
abortmatch 214 Request to stop the match
uncle 214 Request to stop the match


alias imp description
killstats 110 View kill statistics for each player
efficiency 111 View weapon efficiency statistics for each player
eff 111 View weapon efficiency statistics for each player
stats 112 View kill / weapon summary statistics for each player
quadstats 113 View kill / weapon quad statistics
pentstats 169 View kill / weapon pent statistics
badstats 168 View bad statistics
teamstats 202 View team statistics

Game Configuration

alias imp description
useqe Use QE physics settings
useqw Use QW physics settings
usenqw Use NQW physics settings
usenq Use NQ physics settings
showmode 201 Display the current game settings
setmode 208* Request to change game mode
warp 190* Request to change map(ID and TDM)
warp2 191* Request to change map(CTF and Arena)
nextmap 196 Choose the next map from the cycle or random map for the mode
randommap 195 Choose a random map from the warp list
dmm1 204 Request to set deathmatch mode 1 (30 second spawn)
dmm3 205 Request to set deathmatch mode 3 (weaponstay)
dmm5 Request to set deathmatch mode 5 (ws and 10 second spawn)
dmm6 Request to set deathmatch mode 6 (5 second spawn)
entson Request to turn on extended entities
entsoff Request to turn off extended entities
sson 182 Request to turn on spawn shields
ssoff 183 Request to turn off spawn shields
sdon 184 Request to turn on self damage
sdoff 185 Request to turn off self damage
qdon 186 Request to turn on Quad drop
qdoff 187 Request to turn off Quad drop
ggon 188 Request to turn on gg mod
ggoff 189 Request to turn off gg mod
ggxon Request to turn on gg mod with 80 dmg axe
ggxoff Request to turn off gg mod with 80 dmg axe
alon 197 Request to turn on antilag weapons
aloff 198 Request to turn off antilag weapons
hson Request to turn on hit scan antilag weapons
hsoff Request to turn off hit scan antilag weapons
pjon Request to turn on projectile antilag weapons
pjoff Request to turn off projectile antilag weapons
ffa 81 Request to change to free for all
practice 82 Request to change to practice
match 83 Request to change to team deathmatch match
public 84 Request to change to public team deathmatch
ctfmatch 85 Request to change to capture the flag match
ctfpublic 86 Request to change to public capture the flag
ca 87 Request to change to rocket arena
ra 88 Request to change to clan arena
airshot 89 Request to change to airshot
wipeout 90 Request to change to wipeout
koth 91 Request to change to king of the hill
dmm4 92 Request to change to duel
lavaball 93 Request to change to lavaball
ctfdmm4 94 Request to change to ctf dmm4
setquad 221 Request to enable / disable quad
setpent 222 Request to enable / disable pentagram
setring 223 Request to enable / disable ring of shadows
sethook 226 Request to enable / disable grappling hook
setquaddrop 207 Request to enable / disable Quad drop
setggmod 206 Request to enable / disable gg mod
setfish 224 Request to enable / disable fish mode on DM3/DM4/DM7
setrunes 228 Request to enable / disable runes
setselfdamage 252 Request to enable / disable self-damage
setrounds 251* Request to set rounds needed to win rocket arena
timelimit3 Request to set timelimit to 3 minutes
timelimit5 215 Request to set timelimit to 5 minutes
timelimit10 216 Request to set timelimit to 10 minutes
timelimit15 217 Request to set timelimit to 15 minutes
timelimit20 218 Request to set timelimit to 20 minutes
timelimit25 219 Request to set timelimit to 25 minutes
timelimit30 220 Request to set timelimit to 30 minutes
fraglimit10 171 Request to set fraglimit to 10
fraglimit20 172 Request to set fraglimit to 20
fraglimit35 173 Request to set fraglimit to 35
fraglimit50 174 Request to set fraglimit to 50
fraglimit75 175 Request to set fraglimit to 75
fraglimit100 176 Request to set fraglimit to 100
fraglimit120 177 Request to set fraglimit to 120
fraglimit150 178 Request to set fraglimit to 150

*These commands require additional input to use. You will be shown a menu. Enter the number of your menu selection as a separate command or 0 to cancel.

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