useqe |
Use QE physics settings |
useqw |
Use QW physics settings |
usenqw |
Use NQW physics settings |
usenq |
Use NQ physics settings |
showmode |
201 |
Display the current game settings |
setmode |
208* |
Request to change game mode |
warp |
190* |
Request to change map(ID and TDM) |
warp2 |
191* |
Request to change map(CTF and Arena) |
nextmap |
196 |
Choose the next map from the cycle or random map for the mode |
randommap |
195 |
Choose a random map from the warp list |
dmm1 |
204 |
Request to set deathmatch mode 1 (30 second spawn) |
dmm3 |
205 |
Request to set deathmatch mode 3 (weaponstay) |
dmm5 |
Request to set deathmatch mode 5 (ws and 10 second spawn) |
dmm6 |
Request to set deathmatch mode 6 (5 second spawn) |
entson |
Request to turn on extended entities |
entsoff |
Request to turn off extended entities |
sson |
182 |
Request to turn on spawn shields |
ssoff |
183 |
Request to turn off spawn shields |
sdon |
184 |
Request to turn on self damage |
sdoff |
185 |
Request to turn off self damage |
qdon |
186 |
Request to turn on Quad drop |
qdoff |
187 |
Request to turn off Quad drop |
ggon |
188 |
Request to turn on gg mod |
ggoff |
189 |
Request to turn off gg mod |
ggxon |
Request to turn on gg mod with 80 dmg axe |
ggxoff |
Request to turn off gg mod with 80 dmg axe |
alon |
197 |
Request to turn on antilag weapons |
aloff |
198 |
Request to turn off antilag weapons |
hson |
Request to turn on hit scan antilag weapons |
hsoff |
Request to turn off hit scan antilag weapons |
pjon |
Request to turn on projectile antilag weapons |
pjoff |
Request to turn off projectile antilag weapons |
ffa |
81 |
Request to change to free for all |
practice |
82 |
Request to change to practice |
match |
83 |
Request to change to team deathmatch match |
public |
84 |
Request to change to public team deathmatch |
ctfmatch |
85 |
Request to change to capture the flag match |
ctfpublic |
86 |
Request to change to public capture the flag |
ca |
87 |
Request to change to rocket arena |
ra |
88 |
Request to change to clan arena |
airshot |
89 |
Request to change to airshot |
wipeout |
90 |
Request to change to wipeout |
koth |
91 |
Request to change to king of the hill |
dmm4 |
92 |
Request to change to duel |
lavaball |
93 |
Request to change to lavaball |
ctfdmm4 |
94 |
Request to change to ctf dmm4 |
setquad |
221 |
Request to enable / disable quad |
setpent |
222 |
Request to enable / disable pentagram |
setring |
223 |
Request to enable / disable ring of shadows |
sethook |
226 |
Request to enable / disable grappling hook |
setquaddrop |
207 |
Request to enable / disable Quad drop |
setggmod |
206 |
Request to enable / disable gg mod |
setfish |
224 |
Request to enable / disable fish mode on DM3/DM4/DM7 |
setrunes |
228 |
Request to enable / disable runes |
setselfdamage |
252 |
Request to enable / disable self-damage |
setrounds |
251* |
Request to set rounds needed to win rocket arena |
timelimit3 |
Request to set timelimit to 3 minutes |
timelimit5 |
215 |
Request to set timelimit to 5 minutes |
timelimit10 |
216 |
Request to set timelimit to 10 minutes |
timelimit15 |
217 |
Request to set timelimit to 15 minutes |
timelimit20 |
218 |
Request to set timelimit to 20 minutes |
timelimit25 |
219 |
Request to set timelimit to 25 minutes |
timelimit30 |
220 |
Request to set timelimit to 30 minutes |
fraglimit10 |
171 |
Request to set fraglimit to 10 |
fraglimit20 |
172 |
Request to set fraglimit to 20 |
fraglimit35 |
173 |
Request to set fraglimit to 35 |
fraglimit50 |
174 |
Request to set fraglimit to 50 |
fraglimit75 |
175 |
Request to set fraglimit to 75 |
fraglimit100 |
176 |
Request to set fraglimit to 100 |
fraglimit120 |
177 |
Request to set fraglimit to 120 |
fraglimit150 |
178 |
Request to set fraglimit to 150 |